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Pieces of mymind

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gratitude Is the Key to Contentment

When I'm tempted to dissolve into a cloud of of resentment and fear I often yield to the moment. Perhaps one day I will master myself sufficiently to preempt these episodes entirely. Usually after a brief foray into this unsastisfying landscape I turn round and look back forlorn at the situation I have left. It is no mean estate.

If I am loved at all, it is in spite of my weaknesses or defects of character. Whenever I forget how badly I need the acceptance and forgiveness of others, that is the precise moment when I feel loathing and suspect the motives of others. Of course, the motives of others are sometimes rightly suspected. Nevertheless, it is in identifying with their failings that I find the common ground I need to reconcile. It is highly counterintuitive.

Each day I am confronted with many opportunities to practice this discipline. The part that makes it difficult is that at the exact moment when I am caught up in my condemnation is the same moment I need most to recall that I am most worthy of condemnation.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here we go again...

Once again the stock market has rallied a little bit and all the pundits are hyping a recovery.

When are people going to stop the worship of these self-interested, lying drums? They pound and pound as if the louder and longer that they keep at it will somehow legitimize their riffs. It does not.

What is it that makes us want to believe anyone who will say that which sounds attractive even though it is false?
When are people going to realize that they can't just figure out ways to get dollars and be content?

True contentment comes from creating something of real value to others. It creates an income, and it creates an ongoing need not only for for the thing of value, but for the creator of the thing of value. Everything else is vanity.